If you call this with argument "unused=true" it searches for the translation strings that exist in en_US but are never used.
IMPORTANT: that can take quite a lot of time (up to 10 minutes), you need to tune the max_execution_time on your php.ini accordingly.

Duplicate strings in lang files in /home/dpinfofrjb/.makerbearn/dev/translation/../../htdocs/langs/en_US/ - 96 found

#StringFile and lines
29NewAssetTypeassets.lang (24 - New asset type) (64 - New asset type)
50NotTheAssignedApproverholiday.lang (75 - You are not the assigned approver) (99 - You are not the assigned approver)
90unitGproducts.lang (191 - Gram) (199 - g)
91unitMproducts.lang (192 - Meter) (203 - m)
92unitM2products.lang (194 - Square meter) (209 - m²)
93unitM3products.lang (195 - Cubic meter) (215 - m³)
94Receptionreceptions.lang (4 - Reception) (7 - Product reception)
95Receptionsreceptions.lang (5 - Receptions) (8 - Reception)
2ByYearaccountancy.lang (192 - By year)
main.lang (776 - By year)
26Eventsagenda.lang (12 - Events)
main.lang (880 - Events)
52StatusInterInvoicedinterventions.lang (30 - Billed)
main.lang (495 - Invoiced)
53Closedmain.lang (142 - Closed)
ticket.lang (67 - Closed)
54NewObjectmain.lang (211 - New %s)
modulebuilder.lang (9 - New object)
55Typemain.lang (215 - Type)
ticket.lang (71 - Type)
56MulticurrencyPaymentAmountmain.lang (358 - Payment amount, original currency)
multicurrency.lang (19 - Payment amount, original currency)
57Categorymain.lang (472 - Tag/category)
ticket.lang (72 - Analytic code)
58OpenAllmain.lang (498 - Open (All))
stocks.lang (150 - Open for all actions)
59NotReadmain.lang (649 - Not read)
ticket.lang (60 - Not read)
4InternalUseradmin.lang (48 - Internal user)
users.lang (68 - Internal user)
5NewModuleadmin.lang (209 - New)
modulebuilder.lang (8 - New module)
6NoticePeriodadmin.lang (267 - Notice period)
holiday.lang (111 - Notice period)
7LanguageFileadmin.lang (364 - Language file)
modulebuilder.lang (50 - File for language)
8PriceFormatInCurrentLanguageadmin.lang (405 - Price Format In Current Language)
companies.lang (31 - Price display format in the current language and currency)
9Stringadmin.lang (406 - String)
members.lang (101 - String)
10Intadmin.lang (409 - Integer)
members.lang (103 - Int)
11DateAndTimeadmin.lang (411 - Date and hour)
members.lang (104 - Date and time)
12Fieldadmin.lang (481 - Field)
blockedlog.lang (2 - Field)
exports.lang (60 - Field)
13Upgradeadmin.lang (1017 - Upgrade)
install.lang (104 - Upgrade)
14Serveradmin.lang (1028 - Server)
install.lang (49 - Server)
15DatabaseServeradmin.lang (1030 - Database host)
install.lang (52 - Database server)
16DatabaseNameadmin.lang (1031 - Database name)
install.lang (53 - Database name)
17DriverTypeadmin.lang (1039 - Driver type)
install.lang (48 - Driver type)
18CompanyNameadmin.lang (1060 - Name)
companies.lang (26 - Company name)
19WithdrawalsSetupadmin.lang (1540 - Setup of module Direct Debit payments)
withdrawals.lang (22 - Direct debit payment setup)
20Buyadmin.lang (1621 - Buy)
products.lang (50 - Purchase)
21Selladmin.lang (1622 - Sell)
products.lang (49 - Sell)
22AccountancyCodeadmin.lang (1625 - Accounting Code)
companies.lang (305 - Accounting account)
23CashDeskadmin.lang (1648 - Point of Sale)
cashdesk.lang (3 - Point of sale)
24ByDefaultInListadmin.lang (1795 - Show by default on list view)
categories.lang (89 - By default in list)
1LineIdaccountancy.lang (124 - Id line)
exports.lang (41 - Id of line)
3CustomerInvoicePaymentaccountancy.lang (208 - Payment of invoice customer)
banks.lang (100 - Customer payment)
25AffectedToagenda.lang (10 - Assigned to)
projects.lang (111 - Allocated to)
27Locationagenda.lang (16 - Location)
stocks.lang (34 - Location)
28InterventionSentByEMailagenda.lang (82 - Intervention %s sent by email)
interventions.lang (38 - Intervention %s sent by email)
30DeleteTypeassets.lang (29 - Delete)
members.lang (76 - Delete)
31ShowTypeCardassets.lang (32 - Show type '%s')
members.lang (144 - Show type '%s')
32IBANbanks.lang (32 - IBAN number)
bills.lang (431 - IBAN)
33BICbanks.lang (33 - BIC/SWIFT code)
bills.lang (432 - BIC/SWIFT)
34StandingOrdersbanks.lang (38 - Direct Debit orders)
bills.lang (234 - Direct debit orders)
35StandingOrderbanks.lang (39 - Direct debit order)
bills.lang (235 - Direct debit order)
36Accountbanks.lang (64 - Account)
compta.lang (15 - Account)
37SubscriptionPaymentbanks.lang (102 - Subscription payment)
members.lang (158 - Subscription payment)
38NoSupplierOrderboxes.lang (67 - No recorded purchase order)
orders.lang (78 - No purchase order)
39ShowCompanycashdesk.lang (29 - Show company)
companies.lang (321 - Show Third Party)
40Historycashdesk.lang (66 - History)
suppliers.lang (6 - History)
41DeleteFromCatcategories.lang (82 - Remove from tags/category)
compta.lang (247 - Remove from accounting group)
42Customercommercial.lang (4 - Customer)
companies.lang (267 - Customer)
43Prospectcommercial.lang (6 - Prospect)
companies.lang (265 - Prospect)
propal.lang (12 - Prospect)
44ShowTaskcommercial.lang (18 - Show task)
projects.lang (39 - Show task)
45ToPaycompta.lang (66 - To pay)
paybox.lang (14 - Do payment)
46ContractStatusClosedcontracts.lang (9 - Closed)
products.lang (78 - Closed)
47ExportsAreaexports.lang (2 - Exports)
other.lang (255 - Exports area)
48ExportableDatasexports.lang (6 - Exportable dataset)
other.lang (259 - Exportable data)
49AvailableFormatsexports.lang (27 - Available Formats)
other.lang (256 - Available formats)
51CreateUserinstall.lang (60 - Create user account or grant user account permission on the Dolibarr database)
users.lang (30 - Create user)
60OrderDateorders.lang (10 - Order date)
suppliers.lang (9 - Order date)
61CreatedByother.lang (109 - Created by %s)
ticket.lang (150 - Created by)
62FollowingUrlAreAvailableToMakePaymentspaybox.lang (4 - Following URLs are available to offer a page to a customer to make a payment on Dolibarr objects)
stripe.lang (5 - Following URLs are available to offer a page to a customer to make a payment on Dolibarr objects)
63PaymentFormpaybox.lang (5 - Payment form)
stripe.lang (6 - Payment form)
64WelcomeOnPaymentPagepaybox.lang (6 - Welcome to our online payment service)
stripe.lang (7 - Welcome to our online payment service)
65ThisScreenAllowsYouToPaypaybox.lang (7 - This screen allow you to make an online payment to %s.)
stripe.lang (8 - This screen allow you to make an online payment to %s.)
66ThisIsInformationOnPaymentpaybox.lang (8 - This is information on payment to do)
stripe.lang (9 - This is information on payment to do)
67ToCompletepaybox.lang (9 - To complete)
stripe.lang (10 - To complete)
68YourEMailpaybox.lang (10 - Email to receive payment confirmation)
stripe.lang (11 - Email to receive payment confirmation)
69Creditorpaybox.lang (11 - Creditor)
stripe.lang (13 - Creditor)
70PaymentCodepaybox.lang (12 - Payment code)
stripe.lang (14 - Payment code)
71Continuepaybox.lang (16 - Next)
stripe.lang (17 - Next)
72ToOfferALinkForOnlinePaymentpaybox.lang (17 - URL for %s payment)
stripe.lang (18 - URL for %s payment)
73ToOfferALinkForOnlinePaymentOnOrderpaybox.lang (18 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a sales order)
stripe.lang (19 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a sales order)
74ToOfferALinkForOnlinePaymentOnInvoicepaybox.lang (19 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a customer invoice)
stripe.lang (20 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a customer invoice)
75ToOfferALinkForOnlinePaymentOnContractLinepaybox.lang (20 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a contract line)
stripe.lang (21 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a contract line)
76ToOfferALinkForOnlinePaymentOnFreeAmountpaybox.lang (21 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a free amount)
stripe.lang (22 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a free amount)
77ToOfferALinkForOnlinePaymentOnMemberSubscriptionpaybox.lang (22 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a member subscription)
stripe.lang (23 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a member subscription)
78YouCanAddTagOnUrlpaybox.lang (24 - You can also add url parameter <b>&tag)
stripe.lang (24 - You can also add url parameter <b>&tag)
79AccountParameterpaybox.lang (28 - Account parameters)
stripe.lang (26 - Account parameters)
80UsageParameterpaybox.lang (29 - Usage parameters)
stripe.lang (27 - Usage parameters)
81InformationToFindParameterspaybox.lang (30 - Help to find your %s account information)
stripe.lang (28 - Help to find your %s account information)
82VendorNamepaybox.lang (32 - Name of vendor)
stripe.lang (30 - Name of vendor)
83CSSUrlForPaymentFormpaybox.lang (33 - CSS style sheet url for payment form)
stripe.lang (31 - CSS style sheet url for payment form)
84Stockproducts.lang (45 - Stock)
stocks.lang (18 - Stock)
85Stocksproducts.lang (47 - Stocks and location (warehouse) of products)
stocks.lang (19 - Stocks)
86Movementsproducts.lang (48 - Movements)
stocks.lang (23 - Movements)
87Suppliersproducts.lang (83 - Vendors)
suppliers.lang (2 - Vendors)
88ListOfStockMovementsproducts.lang (90 - List of stock movements)
stocks.lang (26 - List of stock movements)
89Unitproducts.lang (165 - Unit)
stocks.lang (41 - Unit)
96NewUserticket.lang (272 - New user)
users.lang (29 - New user)